Our newest reinforcer designed to meet your standards!
Daily Social Studies, our newest reinforcer, continues on in the fine tradition of our other warm-up programs in the key academic areas.
Daily Social Studies features manuals for grades 1 through 8. There are a total of 120 activities for each grade 3-8, and 80 activities at both grades 1 and 2. Exercises are printed three per sheet, while ones at grades 1 and 2 are printed two per sheet.
This program emphasizes the five key areas found in most social studies programs: government, history, economics, sociology, and geography. A unique part of the series is the inclusion of activities based on the Constitution, its history, organization, and application to everyday life. Daily Social Studies leads to a greater understanding of the key principles of our government, where students develop a deeper understanding of and appreciation for our democratic form of government.
A number of exercises at each grade are linked to student reference materials provided with each manual, such as key dates in history, listing of the presidents, state facts and figures, flag etiquette, and more. Students use this data in a variety of formats, including interpreting the information, making inferences and hypotheses, constructing timelines, formulating questions, and making generalizations.
Daily Social Studies is based on current content standards and includes a built-in assessment component at grades 3-8, designed to help you continually monitor students success.
Our newest reinforcer designed to meet your standards!